APPSC Notification: Port officer in A.P. Port service (Gazetted)
Port officer in A.P. Port service (Gazetted): 02posts
Qualification: Candidates must possess a Foreign going Master’s Certificate granted by the Government of India and must have served as Chief Officer (OR) must possess a Home Trade Master’s Certificate granted by the Government of India and must have served as Chief Officer of Home Trade ship
Fee: (Remittance of Fee) each applicant must pay Rs. 100/- (Rupees One Hundred Only) towards Application Processing Fee and Examination Fee RS.120/- (Rupees One Hundred and Twenty Only) (if Candidates are not exempted from payment of Fee). Payment of Rs. 100/- (Rupees One Hundred Only) towards application processing fee is compulsory for all Applicants the Candidate has to logon to the WEBSITE ( and enter his/her Basic Personal Details like Name, Father’s Name, Date of Birth, and Community. Immediately on entering the above details the Applicant will get (downloadable)- Challan Form to pay the Fee at AP Online centers /State Bank of India. Step:-The Applicant should pay the prescribed Fee in any one of the A.P. Online centers /State Bank of India and obtain Fee paid challan with Journal Number in the first instance on the next working day after payment of Fee the Applicant should again visit Website and enter the Journal Number to get the format of Application. The applicant has to invariably fill all the columns in the Application and should submit ON-Line
Exemptions of fee:
a) SC, ST, BC, PH & Ex-Service Men.
b) Families having Household Supply White Card issued by Civil Supplies Department, A.P.Government. (Residents of Andhra Pradesh)
c) Un employed youth in the age group of 18 to 34 years as per G.O.Ms.No. 439, G.A. (Ser.A) Dept., dated: 18/10/1996 should submit declaration at an appropriate time to the Commission.
d) Applicants belonging to the categories mentioned above (except Physically handicapped Persons & Ex-Service Men) hailing from other States are not entitled for exemption from payment of fee and not entitled for claiming any kind of reservation
Scheme of Examination: The Written Examination will be in “Conventional Type”. The candidate has to appear for
(i) General Studies Paper and
(ii) Essay in English (Problem analysis on the relevant qualifying subject and /or professional experience)
Centre for the Written Examination: The Written Examination will be held at Hyderabad only
How to apply: candidates should apply online only
Important dates:
- The Written Examination is likely to be held on 26/02/2012
- Opening date for submission of online application is 10-01-2012
- Last date for registering online application is 08-02-2012
- Last date for payment of fee is 02-02-2012
For more details
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