young scientist awards @ Odisha Bigyan Academy, Bhubaneswar
The Odisha Bigyan Academy was conceptualized way back in the year 1981, by a group of senior scientists of Orissa belonging to different disciplines of science. It came into existence at Cuttack on the auspicious day of "Utkal Dibas" - April 1 of that year under the patronage of Late Prof. Dr. Keshab Chandra Sahu.

Biju Patnaik Award for Scientific Excellence - Persons to be eligible for this award:

Awarding authority: Odisha Bigyan Academy, Bhubaneswar
- Biju Patnaik Award for Scientific Excellence - comprises a cash prize of Rs. 2, 00, 000/- (Rupees two lakh only), a citation, a memento, a certificate, a shawl and a silver medallion
- Samanta Chandra Sekhar Award - Three awards each of the value of Rs. 50,000/- (Rupees fifty thousand only), one in each of the following branches of science may be made every year with appropriate citations for notable and outstanding research contributions, provided the work has been done within the State of Orissa:
- Physical Sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Geology, etc).
- Life Sciences (Botany, Zoology, Medical Sciences, Veterinary Sciences, Agriculture Sciences,Environmental Sciences, etc.)
- Engineering & Technology
An additional award of the value Rs. 50,000/- (Rupees fifty thousand only), may be made every year with appropriate citation for notable and outstanding research contribution by Oriya Scientists, working outside the State of Orissa, in any branch of Science/Technology as stated in Clause
- Odisha Young Scientists Award - consists of a prize money of Rs. 10,000/- (Rupees ten thousand only) with certificate and a citation
- Pranakrushna Parija Popular Science Award - For Authors of popular science books in Odia
- Felicitation of Senior Scientists of Odisha - Felicitation of Senior Scientists shall include a scroll of Honour and a memento
Biju Patnaik Award for Scientific Excellence - Persons to be eligible for this award:
- should be an Oriya by birth or domiciled in Orissa since birth.
- should have been an Oriya with sufficient knowledge in Oriya language at least upto the standard of Middle School Certificate examination level (documentary evidence to be enclosed).
Samanta Chandra Sekhar Award - Persons to be eligible for consideration for this award:
- should be Oriya by birth or domicile.
- should have passed at least Higher Secondary OR Graduate degree in any branch of Science, Engineering & Technology OR Post-Graduate degree in any branch of Science, Engineering & Technology from any recognized Institution/Board/Universities in Orissa.
Odisha Young Scientists Award - The awards would be given for outstanding research work done by young scientists working inside the State of Orissa during the years preceding the year of award. Scientists who have not attained the age of 35 (thirty-five) by the 31st December of that year preceding the year of award would be eligible for consideration for that award of a particular year.
Pranakrushna Parija Popular Science Award - Click here to view
Felicitation of Senior Scientists of Odisha - A person to be nominated shall not be less than 65 (Sixty five) years of age by December 31 prior to the year of Award. He should have also devoted at least two decades of his professional career for scientific/ technological advancement in the State of Orissa. The Nominee's contributions should be outstanding, positive and visible. A person employed by institutions outside Orissa but who had devoted at least two decades of his professional career inside the state of Orissa may also be considered for felicitations.
How to apply:
Click here to download form for Biju Patnaik Award for Scientific Excellence
Click here to download form for Samanta Chandra Sekhar Award
Click here to download form for Odisha Young Scientists Award
Click here to download form for Pranakrushna Parija Popular Science Award
Click here to download form for Felicitation of Senior Scientists of Odisha
Send duly filled-in nominations as per guideline along with other particulars stated therein to the Secretary, Odisha Bigyan Academy
Nomination deadline: April 30, 2012
Click here to view details
The Secretary
Odisha Bigyan Academy
Type-4R/ 25
Unit – IX (F)
Bhubaneswar-751 022
Odisha (INDIA)
The Secretary
Odisha Bigyan Academy
Type-4R/ 25
Unit – IX (F)
Bhubaneswar-751 022
Odisha (INDIA)
Phone: 0674-2543468
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